Weight of the weapon.
Your browning standard weight 16ga auto-5 shotgun which was made in 1937,is valued at between 375-475 dollars based on the condition that you stated.
This is a Standard Weight Browning Auto-5 made in 1954.
your standard weight browning auto-5 shotgun was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1961.That makes it 50 years old.The value of these auto-5 shotguns is running between 475-600 dollars for the standard model auto-5 shotgun.
Your browning standard weight 16ga shotgun which was made in 1954 is selling for between 375-550 dollars depending on the overall condition and finish on your shotgun,and a good bore.
Your serial number indicates that your Browning standard weight 16 gauge auto-5 shotgun was made in Belgium in the year 1947.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Browning auto-5 standard weight shotgun was made in Belgium in the year 1950.the value will be between 325-400 dollars for a shotgun in the condition that you have described.
Your browning auto-5 standard weight 16ga shotgun was made for browning by FN of belguim in 1927.A fine browning auto-5 with this age and in 80-90% finish will bring between in the neighborhood of 600-700 dollars.You can add a little more if you have a solid rib,or vent-rib barrel with the shotgun.
Mechanically, none. One just weighs less than the other.
your browning auto-5 was made in 1947.
the manuals are available on the Browning site in .pdf format
Less than 2 lbs. Go to Browning and check the specs.