Former one is British Spelling & the latter one is American spelling.
an antonym of beneficient would be hindering, harmful, bad, unneccessary, etc.
"Benefic" isn't a word, but "benefit" is. That one means something good; "beneficent" means "making something good happen"; "beneficial" means "having benefits, or good properties".
Supreme God
bearnefishantt. (Y)
Beneficent Congregational Church was created in 1743.
Some synonyms for beneficent include benevolent, benign, helpful, generous and charitable. You can view more synonyms for the word beneficent online at the Thesaurus website.
"the most beneficent regime in history"While the previous contributor used beneficent correctly, this example most likely will not help as it a fragment and offers little context.I explain here how to use beneficent in a sentence:WikiAnswers: How to use beneficent in a sentence.How_do_you_use_beneficent_in_a_sentenceHere is a literary example of beneficent in a sentence:In no other way can I account for its having leaped so far out of the water--a beneficent circumstance to which I doubtless owe my life, and that of another far dearer to me than my own. - "The Land That Time Forgot" by Edgar Rice Burroughs
benefic, beneficent.
beneficient, bountiful, lavish, big-hearted, noble
adorable beneficient tantalizing