An embedded system has a self-contained operating system on a "chip" thus embedded into the system and does not rely on having a hard disk with the operating system on it. Not to mention that is will be much faster because the access time of the OS on a chip.
More specifically...
An embedded system has historically been defined as a single function product where the intelligence is embedded in the system. It could be anything from a dishwasher to a hearing aid, if that product includes a microprocessor and software.
A PC is designed to be a general purpose computing environment.
Many of today's embedded systems are looking more like PCs with user interfaces, touchscreens, displays, keypads and more. Still, these are not general function systems but are designed to perform very specific functions.
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Railroad tracks vs 4 lane highway. The tracks run well, rarely have problems and are very well suited for the way they are being used. A 4 lane highway has all sorts of different vehicles traveling on it that may or may not be efficient to use on the freeway. When you want to ride the train to Chicago, use rails. When you want to get somewhere off the map, use the freeway.
Embedded systems are more limited in hardware and/or software functionality than
a personal computer (PC). This holds true for a significant subset of the embedded
systems family of computer systems. In terms of hardware limitations, this can
mean limitations in processing performance, power consumption, memory, hardware
functionality, and so forth. In software, this typically means limitations relative to a
PC-fewer applications, scaled-down applications, no operating system (OS) or a
limited OS, or less abstraction-level code. However, this definition is only partially
true today as boards and software typically found in PCs of past and present have
been repackaged into more complex embedded system designs.
• An embedded system is designed to perform a dedicated function. Most embedded
devices are primarily designed for one specific function. However, we now see
devices such as personal data assistant (PDA)/cell phone hybrids, which are embedded
systems designed to be able to do a variety of primary functions. Also, the latest
digital TVs include interactive applications that perform a wide variety of general
In This Chapter
Define embedded system
Introduce the design process
Define an embedded systems architecture
Discuss the impact of architecture
Summarize the remaining sections of the book
Chapter 1
functions unrelated to the "TV" function but just as important, such as e-mail, web
browsing, and games.
• An embedded system is a computer system with higher quality and reliability requirements
than other types of computer systems. Some families of embedded devices
have a very high threshold of quality and reliability requirements. For example, if a
car's engine controller crashes while driving on a busy freeway or a critical medical
device malfunctions during surgery, very serious problems result. However, there are
also embedded devices, such as TVs, games, and cell phones, in which a malfunction
is an inconvenience but not usually a life-threatening situation.
• Some devices that are called embedded systems, such as PDAs or web pads, are not
really embedded systems. There is some discussion as to whether or not computer
systems that meet some, but not all of the traditional embedded system definitions are
actually embedded systems or something else. Some feel that the designation of these
more complex designs, such as PDAs, as embedded systems is driven by nontechnical
marketing and sales professionals, rather than engineers. In reality, embedded engineers
are divided as to whether these designs are or are not embedded systems, even
though currently these systems are often discussed as such among these same designers.
Whether or not the traditional embedded definitions should continue to evolve, or
a new field of computer systems be designated to include these more complex systems
will ultimately be determined by others in the industry. For now, since there is no new
industry-supported field of computer systems designated for designs that fall in between
the traditional embedded system and the general-purpose PC systems, this book
supports the evolutionary view of embedded systems that encompasses these types of
computer system designs.
While embedded systems and embedded software are not new, the fast rise of the internet of Things has lately brought them to the forefront.
Embedded system
An embedded system is a computer system that consists of computer memory, input/output peripheral devices, and a computer CPU. It is distinguished by its greater electrical and mechanical systems. Mechanical pieces and electronic or electrical hardware are embedded as part of a full device.
Ex: washing machines and microwaves, because they do not require a computer system to operate.
Embedded software
These programming applications are modified projects that administer specific undertakings of non-PC gadgets, either as a component of a central processor or as a feature of another application that sits on top of the chip. Unlike PC programs, which may be run on a wide range of computer systems and customized to give varying levels of capability, embedded software has set hardware requirements and capabilities.
Ex: Vehicle connectivity software.
Connected vehicles are a new technology that must meet particular quality and safety criteria.
If you are looking for the best online embedded systems courses you can reach out to The IoT Academy.
Difference Between Embedded System And Embedded Software
Embedded software is a program that runs on an embedded device that incorporates a physical system. The physical devices are managed by software. Embedded software has established hardware requirements and capabilities that prevent third-party integration.
Embedded systems consist of both equipment and programming. A software engineer is responsible for the proper operation of the hardware during the embedded system design phase.
ð An embedded system is differ from the general purpose in the view of their purpose. The general purpose computers are the computers that are designed to perform many operations and which can be reconfigured for a new purpose where as an embedded is designed only meant for one purpose.ð An embedded system has a self-contained operating system on a "chip" hence embedded into the system and does not depend on having a hard disk with the operating system on it, whereas in the general purpose computer an operating system need to be present in the hard disk.ð Example for an embedded system is a portable music player; example for general purpose computer is PCs.
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The difference between a single board computer and microcontroller is that a single board lacks a general purpose interface and the mass storage devices.
Coding is more general -- there are many kinds of codes and different reasons for them. However, when it comes to computer slang, there is no difference between coding and programming.
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An embedded system or embedded computer system is a computer system which is designed to perform one or more tasks related to a particular real time application with application specific microcontroller or microprocessor based circuitry embedded in it.They are aimed at providing responses within a set deadline by the manufactured who would have deviced it from customers point of view. In contrast,general purpose computer system is a computer system which is designed to perform one or more tasks related to general purpose applications with a general purpose microprocessor based circuitry either existing as a separate unit(as in desktop) or embedded(as in palmtop,laptop).They are mainly aimed at providing maximum throughput(Throughput refers to measure of system's execution efficiency in instructions per second).A general purpose computer is a non-real time system,in the sense it need not meet deadlines.A general purpose computer is built around various embedded peripherals such as mouse,printer, router,scanner,etc.Real time system refers to a system which responds to any user input with minimum latency.Since PC's are surrounded by embedded peripherals they cannot come under category of embedded systems because of the following reason: They require a external reset by the user when system hangs.whereas in embedded systems an on chip WDT (WatchDogTimer ,also referred to as COP[ComputerOperatingProperly]timer automatically resets the system under such condition.
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