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Supervision means overseeing the performance of a person or a group. It consists of developing skills and knowledge of the employed workers. Supervision means to check the performance of workers and to guide them accordingly. As compared to administration is used to implement the policies, rules and techniques passed by management.

Administration is the process of overseeing a company's overall performance. It is concerned with managing different departments, ensuring that goals are achieved. Supervision is a managerial process that involves monitoring a person or a machine's performance. It is concerned with managing a group of people towards delivery of specific goals. The administrator is responsible for the supervisor while the supervisor answers to the administrator. Supervisor is the work maintainer and processor if any employee have a problem for any issue so they consult with supervisor then supervisor report to administrator and try to clear the problem supervisor is the responsible for employee and administrator is the responsible for all.

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Q: What is difference between administration and supervision?
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