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we can check the dc with the help of tester give the reason


There is no such thing as an 'AC light bulb' and a 'DC light bulb'. A light bulb doesn't care whether it is subjected to AC or to DC.

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9mo ago

AC bulbs are designed to be used with alternating current, which constantly changes direction. DC bulbs are designed to be used with direct current, which flows in only one direction. Therefore, the internal workings and design of AC and DC bulbs are different.

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Q: What is difference between ac and DC bulb?
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What is the difference between ac Hall effect and dc Hall effect?

The AC Hall effect is used to measure the sign and magnitude of an alternating magnetic field, whereas the DC Hall effect is used to measure the sign and magnitude of a steady magnetic field. In AC Hall effect, the magnetic field changes direction periodically, while in DC Hall effect, the magnetic field is constant.

AC or DC supply is given to a bulb which gives more illumination?

A bulb powered by AC supply generally provides more illumination than the same bulb powered by DC supply. This is because the higher voltage of AC supply allows more current to flow through the bulb, resulting in increased brightness.

What does AC and DC stand for in the electrical field?

Alternating Current and Direct Current. Electricity is voltage and current. Voltage is electrical pressure, and current is the flow of charged particles. The difference between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) is that the electrons in an AC circuit regularly reverse their direction. In a DC circuit electrons always flow in the same direction.

What electricity will let battery and light bulb flow?

Direct current (DC) electricity is the type of electricity that will flow from a battery to power a light bulb since batteries provide DC power. Alternating current (AC) electricity, found in most wall outlets, typically can't directly power a light bulb from a battery without a converter or inverter.

What is the conflict between Nikola Tesla and Edison?

The conflict between Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison stemmed from their differing views on electrical systems. Edison favored direct current (DC) while Tesla advocated for alternating current (AC). This led to a bitter rivalry between the two inventors, culminating in the "War of Currents" where Edison tried to discredit Tesla's AC system in favor of his own DC technology.

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What makes a dc bulb different from an ac bulb?

The voltage source that is applied to them is the difference between AC and DC light bulbs.

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There is no difference between AC AND DC chockes

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The difference AC and DC grounding is that AC is alternate current and DC is direct current. Grounding for both AC and DC is the same.

What is the difference between in ac and dc powwer cable?

There is no difference in the cables. The only difference is the type of electrical power being transmitted. AC or DC applications use the same wires.

What the difference between AC and DC?

AC rises with respect to time but DC is steady.

Is bulb contains a rectifier to convert ac to dc?

No. A bulb can run a AC just a easily as DC.

Is bulb operate on ac or DC?

It can be operated using both AC or DC

What is the difference between ac ammeter and dc ammeter?

dc ammeter has three connecting pins while ac has four

What is main difference between ac power and dc power?

AC power is made by alternating current and DC does not change.

Difference between magneto and ac generator?

magneto is dc

What is the difference between current (DC) and alternating current (AC)?

ac comes directly from the power socket, and DC is battery source. Answer2: The frequency is the difference, AC has frequency f>0 and DC does not f=0.

Can dc bulbs work on ac?

Yes- ac or dc makes no difference to a regular light bulb. However, it must be the correct voltage. DC bulbs used on a car are 12 volt, and household AC current is 120-240 volts.