The difference is that a Roche Moutonée is an erosional landform whereas a drumlin is a depositional one. A Roche Moutonée is formed by a glacier moving over the top of the rock plucking one side giving it a jagged edge and abrading the other side giving it a smooth edge. A drumlin on the other hand is deposited by the glacier and are streamlined into elongated hills by the glacier. Drumlins are unknown as to how they are formed with there being many theories as to how they are made but one I feel sounds likely is that when it melts out of the subglacial layers it is lodged on the floor and is shaped by the glacier into the shape. Hope this helps you!
Roche moutonnee: An Alpine term for a rock knob with one smooth side and one steep side, produced by glacial plucking. They are named "fleecy rocks" in French because they often look like a field of giant stone sheep. Roche moutonnee formations are sometimes called "sheepbacks" in English.
Calais to La Roche sur Yon is 637 kilomètres, according to Mappy.Fr. This is 396 miles.
Licensed by Roche.
Charlotte Roche's birth name is Charlotte Grace Roche.
Marcy Roche's birth name is Maricella Teresa Roche.
Tudi Roche's birth name is Tudi Jean Roche.
rock or the rock are the translations for roche or la roche in French.
Bo Roche's birth name is Melvin Lloyd Roche III.
Daniel Roche was born on 1999-10-14.
Sinead Shannon Roche's birth name is Sinead Shannon-Roche.
Joe Roche was born in 1967.
Roche Braziliano was born in 1630.