industrial is work. Consumer is buy.
In a consumer market the consumer uses the product for personal use but in an industrial market the industry uses the products as supplys or/ and to do operations
An individual consumer purchases from retailers. An industrial consumer purchases from manufacturers. Industrial consumers are generally businesses working directly with businesses.
Consumer Buying Behavior * Buying behavior of individuals and households that buy products for personal consumption
Consumer goods are for sale as is to the public. Industrial goods require finishing.
Consumer Service is service provided to the final buyer. A worker in a grocery store provides consumer service.Industrial Service is service provided from one business to another. A worker in a pasta packaging plant would provide industrial service to the manager of the grocery store.
Consumer goods are the items that people buy to use at home. The items you would buy at the grocery store for everyday living would be considered consumer goods. Industrial goods are the items that companies buy in order to use them to create new products that may or may not become consumer goods when finished and mass produced.
industrial is a material
different between agricultural development and industrial development
Relationship between consumer behavior and marketing concept is that consumer behavior is the study of how individual make decision to spend their available resource (time, money, effort) on consumption related time
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The difference is that an instict is something you already know how to do but not for a learned behavior.