your winchester model 37 value is currently between 150-375 dollars depending on the overall condition and having between 60%-90% original finish and a good bore.
300-475 dollars.
The value of your Winchester model 1894 rifle which was made in the year 1971 will bring between 200-350 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.
these range in value from 75-200 dollars depending on the condition and a good bore.
90-140 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.
350-550 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.
For a Winchester model 1894 rifle made in 1953 you can expect to get between 375-500 dollars,depending on the overall condition and a good bore.
The value of your Winchester model 1500xtr shotgun is between 160-240 dollars,for a gun with between 60%-95% of its original finish remaining,and a good bore.
Your Winchester model 190 will range in value for between 65-100 dollas for a rifle showing between 60%-90% of its original finish and a good bore.
your winchester model 61 was made by winchester in 1938.The value of these nice .22 rifles is between 200-900 dollars depending on the amount of original finish remaining on the wood and metal and a decent bore.
your winchester model 1894 is worth between 250-350 dollars depending on overall condition and a good bore.
Your winchester model 670 rifle is valued at between 140-200 dollars for a rifle in 60%-90% original condition and a good bore.
200-300 dollars,depending on overall condition,and a good bore.