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when you tell your sins to the Father in your church, and he cleans you and you have to try your best not to commit more sins

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Q: What is confess ion?
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Tagalog translation of confess: umamin

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The duration of I Will Not Confess is 2 hours.

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I confess; I stole the cookie. I won't confess because I didn't steal the cookie!

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no she does not confess but she was brought in to witness john proctors confession in hope that she will save her life but she did not confess

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She decided to confess her feelings to him before it was too late.

What is the past tense of confess?

The past tense of "confess" is "confessed".

Should you cover a sin or confess it?

confess it and ask for forgiveness

When was I Will Not Confess created?

I Will Not Confess was created on 1961-10-16.

When was Confess - song - created?

Confess - song - was created in 1948.

What is the suffix of confess?

The suffix of "confess" is "-ess," which is added to the base word "confess" to denote a person who performs the action of confessing.