breeded stock is when two slaves where taken and they were bred. In the slave market you could go and buy what ever kind of slave you want, there were different types. Strong, field, house... Any way it's like a puppy mill, but for humans
No, breeded Pokemon aren't always the same nature but they sometimes can be. :-)
breeded stock is when two slaves where taken and they were bred. In the slave market you could go and buy what ever kind of slave you want, there were different types. Strong, field, house... Any way it's like a puppy mill, but for humans
my female dog is in heat but she doesn't let herdself get breeded. What should I do?
Both Dialga and Palkia are unknown genders and can not be breeded. That is not true, i have an ar and i breeded a diagal and a palkia with a special code
A mule!
thomas a. callindder
The person that first breeded them
Only with hacks
some selected breeded dogs are chosen because of the way they look and people reckon that the two mixed together will look amazing
no you get full breeded dogs