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.300 WM is larger in calibre, it has a longer case, and it generates more energy.

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Q: What is bigger a 270 win mag or a 300 win mag?
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Is the 300 ultra mag bigger than the 300 win mag?

It has a longer casing and the projectile generates more energy. So in those regards, yes.

Which is larger 7 mag whetheby or 300 win mag?

300 win.

Can you shoot 300 ultra-mag bullets in a Remington 700 Sendero chambered in 300 Win-mag?

No, the 300 ultra mag cartidge is not interchangeable with the 300 win mag.

Which is stronger 270 or 7mm?

The 7mm mag has mare pressure that a 270 win.

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Can 270 light mag ammo be fired from 270 win?

No. .270 Winchester and .270 Winchester Short Magnum are not interchangeable cartridges.

What is the value of a 270 win mag bolt action rifle?

You need to know the make, grade and model. 270 mag rifle could be anything

What is a win mag rifle?

Rifle chambered in one of the cartridges named Winchester Magnum- such as the .300 Winchester Magnum- or .300 Win mag for short.

Where can one find information on the 300 Win mag?

Information about the 300 Win Mag, also known as the 300 Winchester Magnum can be found on the Wikipedia website. Videos about this item can also be found on YouTube.

What is the difference in the 300 win mag and 300 ultra mag?

Biggest physical difference is case size and lack of belt on the RUM

When was your browning arms 300 win mag serial number 94649M69 produced?

The M69 suffix identifies your 300 win mag as being a browning BAR that was made in 1969.

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