The best IRC server for Adult Chat is Collarspace. We offer a web-based chat client as well as access through your preferred IRC Client. Visit us on Collarspace or point your chat client to on port 6667 and join us today!
No, websites have IRC channels by choice.
An IRC Client, or Internet Relay Chat Client, is a program used to connect to an Internet Relay Chat server so that a user can chat via text-based messages in real-time.
on IRC Server Blabbernet #southafrica #cape_town #5fm
well In IRC (internet relay chat) a bot can either do a good or bad thing Friendly bots are just things what automaticly say hello in a chat channel or say have a nice day, but a bad bot is something what flood joins or crashes a IRC server/network
An example of IRC? lol.... IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. I guess an IRC channel?
Of the network you are connected to? Type "//dns $server" in the mIRC.
Internet Relay Chat NOT T&J
Freenode is a good IRC Server ( Port 6667.
ok you can to find very good rooms online on these sites:, icq, facebookA chat channel in Online Chat is a way to start online chat. People usually start online chat with two different tools, one-to-one or one-to-many. One-to-one chat tools are used for personal communication, such as ICQ, Skype, MSN, etc.
Abbreviation for Instant Redeemable Coupon or Instant Rebate Coupon
Irc webapps are easy enough to use. The best part is that you only need to specify a nickname to use (similar to a username, but more temporary--unless the server uses a nameserv/name registration bot).
Internet Relay Chat.