It depends on how often you are using and recharging the battery. An average life span for a remote control plane battery is 6 months to 1 year long.
How long the battery lasts depends on which kind you got. The average lifespan of such a battery is two years.
The average life span of an umbrella is 75 years!!!
A average life span is about 1 year
The average life span changes from country to country. In the US, the average life span is 77 years.
the average life span of Argentina people is 75.1 as of 2000.
Rwanda's life expectancy and average life span therefore is 58 years.
On average a battery should last almost more than a year in a cordless speaker telephone, but this also depends on the type of cordless phone and type of battery in the phone. More info refer to
The average life span is 12-15 years.
15 years is the average life-span for a dominican
There is no data on a life span of the stonefish
the average life span of a human being is somewhere around 80 years :)