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I've heard of this Japanese website thing that's like YouTube, but it also shows entire films without the copyright thing that youtube has.

The name of the site is:

It's ok if you don't know Japanese, just type it in English and it comes up.

Hope it helped!

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for music, i recommend imeem or myspace.if you want websites similar to youtube, you may try to look on the link below.

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i am just letting you know that you can't find it on youtube... maybe you can on another website!!! it is the Quest For The Flying Rock!i am just letting you know that you can't find it on youtube... maybe you can on another website!!! it is the Quest For The Flying Rock!

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You can get Crazy Frog videos by going on YouTube website. Vevo is another website where you can get free Crazy Frog videos.

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Youtube is a website where people share different videos about everything you can think of.

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you can but you have to send it to youtube/google and pay them to advertise your website

How do you spell YouTube in spanish?

In Spain youtube is still spelt as 'youtube' because it'a a name of a website. For example, if my name was Jack then i'd still be called Jack in another contry. (name's never change).

Is youtube the best website?

no this website is better