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Q: What is another name for the slave trade?
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What is another name for the Transatlantic Slave Trade?

The Triangular Trade and the Middle Passage.

What did the Atlantic slave trade trade?

slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade

What is the name of the slave trade route?

The slave trade route was named the middle passage.

What is the name of the trade between Europe Africa and the Americas?

The transatlantic slave trade.

What is the interstate slave trade?

The interstate slave trade refers to the buying, selling, and transportation of enslaved people between different states within the United States. The trade was prominent before the Civil War, with enslaved individuals being sold and transported to work on plantations or in households in different parts of the country.

Kind of trade that could not be prohibited before 1808?

slave trade

What is another name for a slave?

Another name for a slave is a captive, bonded laborer, or servant.

What is another name for home trade?

Real Estate

Describe slave trade?

The slave trade involved the capture, sale, and transportation of people, primarily from Africa, to be used as forced labor in the Americas. It was driven by European colonial powers and lasted from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The transatlantic slave trade is considered one of the darkest chapters in human history due to its brutal conditions and lasting impact on African societies.

What is the name for individuals who advocated the ending of slavery and the slave trade?


Which compromise guaranteed that the slave trade could exist for 20 years?

Commerce and slave trade compromise

What is another name for a slave freer?

An emancipator.