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godfather, kingpin, boss

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Q: What is another name for a Mob Controller?
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What is another name for mob head?

another word for mob head is your mum's head

What is another name for an electrical switch?

a controller.

What is the difference between mob and maffia?

No difference. Mob is another term for mafia.

Do you need an extra controller for resident evil game?

As for another Wii remote, no. Another classic Wii controller, no. Gamecube controller, no.

Another word for mob head?


How do you call one controller method from another controller method in angular JavaScript?

If we want to call example method of "test1 DIV controller" from "test2 DIV controller" then we can write above method. angular.Element(document.getelementByID('testDIV')).scope().example method name(); in test2DIVcontroller. For Example : <DIV ID="test1DIV" ng-controller="test1DIV controller"></DIV> <DIV ID="test2DIV" ng-controller="test2DIV controller"></DIV>

What is the name for a mob boss?


What are the release dates for Movie Mob - 2007 The Mob Reviews 'The Bucket List' and 'In the Name of the King' 1-7?

Movie Mob - 2007 The Mob Reviews 'The Bucket List' and 'In the Name of the King' 1-7 was released on: USA: 15 January 2008

What are the release dates for Vampire Mob - 2010 Another-To-Do 2-1?

Vampire Mob - 2010 Another-To-Do 2-1 was released on: USA: 21 June 2011

What is the id for mob spawners?

The ID for a mob spawner is 52. Type "/give (your name) 52" without the quotations and you should receive a mob spawner.

How much does a wireless controller cost for the Xbox 360?

There are several companies that make wireless controllers for the Xbox 360. If you are a believer in the microsoft name, and want an official controller, the cost is going to be around $49.99. Another option is the MadCatz controller, which goes for around $25.00

What is ghost mob?

Ghost Mob is a musical band. It is also the name of a clan in the Call of Duty game.