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analog audio

Refers to recording audio in a format of continuous vibrations that are analogous to the original sound waves. Before audio recording became digital, sounds were "carved" into vinyl records or written to tape as magnetic waveforms. Contrast with digital audio

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Q: What is analog sound and example of analog sound?
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Is Sound digital or analog?

Sound can be both digital and analog. In analog sound, waveforms are continuously varying, while in digital sound, the waveforms are represented by discrete binary numbers. Most modern audio technologies, such as CDs and MP3s, use digital sound, while older mediums like vinyl records use analog sound.

What are AD and DA?

AD is Analog to Digital conversion the use is to do digital measurements of analog voltages and currents, a computer soundcard is an AD converter that convert analog sound to digital sound so that it can be played on a computer, and DA is the opposite, digital to analog conversion, the digital sound on the computer is converted to analog sound to drive a speaker or headphone

What is the term used when digital values are converted to create an analog sound?

When digital values are converted to create an analog sound, the term used is Digital-to-Analog converter.

Example of analog modulation in terms of long distance?

example of analog modulation

Does sound have to be converted from digital to analog for a computer?

No. Sound has to be converted from analog to digital for use by a computer, not the other way around. It is converted to analog so amplifiers and other analog equipment can use it and so you can hear it.

How do analog sound systems compare to digital systems?

There are many different noted differences of an analog sound system when compared to a digital sound system. The most referenced difference is that of quality of sound.

Are soundwaves a part of analog code?

Naturally occurring sound waves are analog, although they can be digitized.

Difference between analog simulator and digital simulator?

The big difference is inputs and outputs. Digital ICs expect high/low true/false inputs and outputs. Analog ICs take any inputs, and produce outputs of any level. For example, an audio amplifier is an analog IC. It takes an analog input (sound), and produces an analog output (louder sound). A ripple counter is an example of a digital IC. It takes a digital input (clock pulses), and produces a number of digital outputs (the digital outputs of the flip flops, collectively representing a number in binary).

What are the example of analog devices?

The examples of analog devices are as following: 1. The telautograph 2. Analog synthesizer 3. Analog television 4. Analog Computer

Is sound from a speaker digital or analog?

That would be analog. A speaker is not just on or off, and its range varies as the voltage changes. Sound cards use a D/A converter to convert digital data to audible sound.

What is analog audio?

As compared to digital audio which consists of a stream of 1's and 0's, analog audio is transmitted via a physical quantity, such as a voltage. Analog recordings are physically stored, for example in a vinyl record, the record face consists of small pits and valleys that are then converted into sound. Fluctuations in electrical or magnetic fields is another method of storing analog audio.

Is analog recording better than digital recording?

The digital recording gear is much cheaper and lighter than the analog gear. So everybody can feel like a real sound engineer if one has a sound card - but one can still study "Tonmeister". The sound does not depend on the difference between digal and analog. It comes from excellent playing artists in a room with good acoustics, studio microphones, and a sound engineer with sensitive ears.