An unchoked barrel, also known as a cylinder choke, is a barrel that has no constriction at the end. The bore is a constant size throughout its length.
No. Shot is a collection of smaller projectiles than the barrels diameter that choke can constrict to cause them to spread at a further distance. A slug is the diameter of an unchoked barrel and thus it would be like plugging up the end of a gun and pulling the trigger.
A shotgun barrel with a cylinder bore choke.
yes a rifled shotgun barrel or smooth shotgun barrel
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when did the make the smithsonian double barrel shotgun
What is the value of a Beebe arms double barrel shotgun?
One difference is that the inside of a shotgun barrel is smooth and the inside of a rifle barrel is what they call "fluted" which puts rotation on the bullet as it moves though the barrel.
I do not personally, but yes, there is a single shot rifle that can have the rifle barrel replaced with a shotgun barrel.
Yes, you can remove the barrel of a model 66 Shotgun!
double barrel shotgun
A barrel with a full choke.