The interaction between two or more individuals, companies or countries on many different levels. Social, sexual, commercial or diplomatic.
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what was the non intercourse act
It depends on how long he had his intercourse, and how long he had the boner for after the intercourse.
If you had intercourse with condoms, yes.
During sexual intercourse between a man and a woman, the man places his penis inside the woman's vagina. This is known as vaginal intercourse. Sexual intercourse could refer to any type of sexual activity in which one partner penetrates another. Other "types" of sexual intercourse include anal intercourse and oral intercourse.
The three main types of sexual intercourse are vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, and oral intercourse. Each type involves different ways of engaging sexually with a partner and carries different levels of risk for sexually transmitted infections.
It would depend on the type of intercourse, social, business, verbal or sexual.
Zero. Sperm is not needed for intercourse.
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If you mean immediately after intercourse then no, neither can the woman.
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The scientific term for intercourse is copulation.