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The sky is magenta.

Reason: My mother is a good woman.

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Q: What is an example of a invalid argument?
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What is the difference between a valid or invalid argument?

An invalid argument is when the facts you are using are invalid or your forms of defense are wrong or incorrect, a valid argument is the opposite of an invalid argument. "There is a windmill in my beard. your argument is invalid." (This is a good example of a bad contradiction)

Why cant you have an argument which is invalid and sound?

An argument that is invalid is one where the conclusion does not logically follow from the premises. A sound argument is one that is valid and has true premises. So, by definition, an argument cannot be both invalid and sound at the same time because for an argument to be sound it must be valid.

What makes a valid argument invalid?

A valid argument becomes invalid when it contains a logical fallacy, such as a false premise or faulty reasoning. Additionally, if the conclusion does not necessarily follow from the premises provided, the argument is considered invalid.

Is an argument valid or invalid?

An argument is valid if the conclusion logically follows from the premises. It is invalid if the conclusion does not logically follow from the premises.

What does so do in Spanish?

your argument is invalid

What is an invalid argument?

In invalid argument is one in which the premises do not necessitate the truth of the conclusion. An argument's validity or invalidity does NOT depend on the actual truth of the premises, just what they would entail IF they are true.

What word means illogical argument?


Can an argument be invalid and sound?

No, but it can be unsound and valid.

What is theWord for a plausible argument that is invalid and misleading?


Is the Liverpool are the best?

STOKE is the best your argument is invalid

What is the part of an argument that is flawed and makes the argument invalid an error in reasoning?

That would be a moot point

What is the difference of invalid and unsound argument?

the invalid argument is argument which is not based on any justification to justify the argument. Whereas, unsound argument is based on little justification but does not fully match with the ground on which the argument is based