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Embryo is a baby plant

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An embryo is the early stage of development of a multicellular organism. In humans, the embryo is formed during the first eight weeks of gestation following fertilization of an egg by sperm. The embryo undergoes rapid cell division and differentiation to form the basic structures of the body.

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Q: What is an embroyo?
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Where does a leguminous seed store food?

the part of the seed that stores food is seed coat or testa

What is good of embroyo modification?

Embryo modification can potentially help prevent genetic diseases and improve overall health outcomes by correcting faulty genes. It may also enable parents to have children who are healthier and free from hereditary disorders. Additionally, embryo modification could lead to advancements in medical research and technology.

What do hox genes control?

hox genes, control the differentiation of cells and tissues in the embryo. A mutation in one of these "master control genes" can completely change the organs that develop in specific parts of the body.

What are the basic factors in seed germination?

The three factors necessary for germination of a seed are: (1).Water: Seed obtains water from its environment, i.e from the soil, in natural conditions. The water is absorbed all over the surface but mainly through the micropyle. Two main uses of water are: (i) The seed swells and consequently the seed coat ruptures allowing the elongating the radicle to come out and form the root system. (ii). water is necessary for chemical reaction and for the enzymes to act on the food stored in the cotyledons or the endosperm so that it is converted into diffusable form dissolved and utilized by the growing embroyo. (2).Suitable temperature: Both very low and high temperatures are unsuitable for germination.A very low temperature inhibits the growth of the embroyo and a very high temperature destroys its tissues.A moderately warm temperature(25 degrees to 35 degrees centigrade) is usually favourable for germination and it is also called optimium temperature.Seeds of tropical plants need a higher temperature than those of the temperate regions. (3).Oxygen: During germination there is rapid cell division and cell growth for which energy is required.This energy is available only by respiration(for oxidation of food) and hence the need for oxygen(or air).

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What are the 5 parts of the eggs for a bird?

cell wall mesoderm yolk embroyo

Is a embroyo an animal?

Infact it is but it isn't exactly born yet so it will become one

How do I get pregnant using IVF treatment?

In vitro fertilization, or IFV is the process of fertilization by manually combining an egg and a sperm in a laboratory dish. If the process is a success the fertilized egg is then transferred into the uterus. That process is called embroyo transer.

What happens to a pea for seed germination?

When a seed is droped into the ground it started its process of germination. It started to change from a seed to a plant. First of all a small root comes out from yhe embroyo of the seed and it goes downwards, then a small stem comes and it goes upward.

Where does a leguminous seed store food?

the part of the seed that stores food is seed coat or testa

What is good of embroyo modification?

Embryo modification can potentially help prevent genetic diseases and improve overall health outcomes by correcting faulty genes. It may also enable parents to have children who are healthier and free from hereditary disorders. Additionally, embryo modification could lead to advancements in medical research and technology.

What conditions need to be present for a seed to sprout?

the conditions for the seed germination includes appropriate amount of water in the surrounding soil then the nutrients should be available then the carbon dioxide concentration and the absence of chemicals like absisic acid which can cause a seed to remain in a dormant state for long time.

What do hox genes control?

hox genes, control the differentiation of cells and tissues in the embryo. A mutation in one of these "master control genes" can completely change the organs that develop in specific parts of the body.