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The average website Favicon is 16x16 px and the average shortcut is 32x32!

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Q: What is an average icon size?
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Why do the icons on your computer appear bigger?

Icon size can change usually by two means. e.g. under Windows XP 1. Change resolution of the display 2. Change icon size in desktop properties -> appearance -> icon size.

What do the DPI settings change?

size of icon

What is the name of the icon that reduces window size?

The restore button.

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73 x 73

What is the average size of people?

The average size of a person is there is no average size we are all different;)

How do you save an image as an icon?

Open your image with an image editor (photoshop, gimp, ...) that supports saving as an icon.First you have to resize the image to a size that is compatible with an icon. For example 32x32 or 16x16 pixels are typical icon sizes. Then you have to reduce the number of colors to 256. Now your image has the properties of an icon and can be saved to an icon by File/Save As/ and select the icon type.

What is the average size for a menu?

the average size for a menu is A4 size.

The average size of a USB?

The average size is 4GB

Do a collapse icon indicates that a folder has reached its size limit?

A collapse icon means indicates that the folder is expanded and its subfolders are listed below the folder name.

How do you make XP quick link icon bigger?

make my icons a regular size

What is the average size of a NFL runningback?

5'11'' is the average size.

What is a the average size of a tiger?

the average size of a tiger is LARGE.