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hey alisha keys

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In which city was the singer Alisha born in?

There are a number of singers that have the name Alisha. If one is referring to Alisha Keys, she was born in the Manhattan area of New York City on January 25th, 1981. If one is referring to Alisha Chinai the Indian pop singer, she was born in India.

Where was alisha keys born?

Manhattan, NY

Does Alisha Keys tease people?

only you.

What is alisha keys album called?

the diary of Alicia keys and the elements of freedom

Do alisha keys have aids?

just leva her alone

Where is Alisha Keys from?

Alicia Keys was born in New York City, so yes, she is an American.

What was Alisha Keys First Song?

The idiots sleep tonight!

What is Alisha Keys most popular song?

i would say no one from her album as i am

What is Alisha keys whole name?

Her birth name was Alicia Augello-Cook, but she only goes by Alicia Keys now.

Who was the Black Opera Singer that sung with Alisha Keys on The Bet Awards show?

Kathleen Battle