Our Gang (also known as The Little Rascals) was a series of comedy films created by Hal Roach in 1922. The series was revived in a 1994 movie version titled The Little Rascals.The series focuses around several main characters including: Spanky, Stymie, Froggy, Buckwheat, Darla, Alfalfa, Porky and Petey. In the show, Alfalfa's girlfriend is Darla.
Mattiel is his girlfriends' name!
Fabregas's girlfriends name is Carla.
his girlfriends name is Juliet Stromin
the First girlfriends name is Denise.
Petunia is Porkys girlfriends name
Its Antoinette
Then name of Rodensky girlfriends is Byanca he wife and two other girls one name Hera and the other Fernanda.
yes it is my girlfriends name.
Stephanie is her name.
Her name is Guinivere
"What is spiderman girlfriends name?" Bad grammar. Correct spelling and grammar:"What is Spiderman'sgirlfriend's name?" Spiderman's girlfriend's name is Mary Jane.