Most likely 1972 or 1973. You need to look at the letter code on the barrel, left side, just in front of the receiver, If the first letter is "W", it is 1972 manufacture, if "X" it is 1973.
Serial numbers by year for the 870 Remington Model.
Your remington model 700 was made in 1982 with the letter C prefix to the serial number.
Your Remington model of 1917 rifle was made in November of 1918,with the serial number that you have provided.
Impossible to id the model from just the serial number.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Remington Rand model 1911 was made in the year 1943.
Post a serial or call Remington.
Impossible to answer without the serial number.
Your remington model 700 which has a letter A prefix to the serial number,indicates that it was made in 1980.
Depends on the model.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Remington model of 1917 wa made in December of 1918.Your rifle was made at the end of production of these rifles for World War I.The last Remington serial number was 646,000.
Need the serial number to answer.