A zoom box is a clickable box on a computerized graphical user interface which maximizes a window or restores it to its previous size and position.
On the View tab, click the Zoom icon.
When you click on the zoom level button on a word document, the document can be maximized or minimized. There are different percentages show how big or small zoom is for the document.
You press the second analog stick on the right side of the X-Box controller to zoom in.
Box 350 Boston Mass. 02134
The address of the Zoom Gallery Inc is: Po Box 548, Fleischmanns, NY 12430-0548
Optical Zoom is the true zoom, Digital is basically the zoom in of what the highest optical zoom is. Therefore Optical Zoom is the better zoom, and gives a much clearer picture.
right click on home page and then click on zoom out or right click on view then zoom,and then zoom out ctrl+shift+- zoom out ctr+shift+ + zoom in
press + for +zoom end - for -zoom
zoom zoom zoom
Zoom in is used to get a closer look and narrow your view. zoom out is for making your picture have a wider view.