The availability of a room in a house for rent means whether or not the room is currently vacant and ready to be rented out.
There are many ways that a traveler could check room availability for hotels in the city of Jacksonville. One of the best ways to check room availability is to call a hotel and ask them.
The Tagalog word for availability is "disponibilidad" or "pagkakaroon."
A room
A application ask list the day by day availability and i dont know what that mean
Camera is a Latin word. It means room, chamber, or vault.
Yes, the word 'availability' is a noun; a word for a state of being able to be obtained or used; a state of being otherwise unoccupied; a word for a thing.
kheder (חדר) means "room"
In French, the word "salon" can mean several things depending on the context. It can refer to a living room, a reception room, a gathering or exhibition of artwork, or a social event.
Lack of rentability because of housekeeping or maintenance problems.
a hot and steamy room heated by a hypocaust