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Women's eggs is referred to as ova. ONE egg is referred to as an ovum.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

A woman's egg, also known as an ovum, is a female reproductive cell that is essential for reproduction. It is produced by the ovaries and released during ovulation to potentially fuse with a sperm cell to create a zygote and start the process of embryonic development.

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How is an egg a cell?

an egg cell is the cell inside a womans ovary and is released once a month

Is an egg a cell?

an egg cell is the cell inside a womans ovary and is released once a month

Were can you get a picture of a womans egg?

on science books or here in the Internet

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The fallopian tubes.

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What sex cell helps the unborn baby to grow?

The sperm cell enters the womans vaginal area going to the ovary, which fertalizes the womans egg cell, creating and baby.

How do the babies get in the mom stumick?

They aren't in the mums stomach, when a males sperm cell meets a womans egg cell through sexual intercourse a foetus (very young baby) will develop in the womans womb, and will finally leave through the womans vagina, the baby is born.

What form does sperms come out of the lady?

dead because women don't produce sperm. if sperm is not fertilized with womans egg it dies.

How does a woman get pregnet?

A man has to stick his penis into her vagina, and release some sperm. And the sperm travles to the womans egg and fertleizes it, and there you go.

When a egg is fertilized with a mans sperm in a test tube and then inserted in yet a different woman's uteru's who's DNA will the fetus have?

The womans DNA that the egg came from and the mans DNA that the sperm came from.

How do babies grow from a sperm?

When the sperm meets the womans egg then the baby starts growing from then. If you need more info on this I would ask my parents.

What happens after a womans egg is fertlized?

After a woman's egg is fertilized by a sperm, it forms a zygote. The zygote then undergoes cell division, forming a blastocyst, which implants into the uterus lining. The blastocyst develops into an embryo, which eventually grows into a fetus.