It is normal its when you are having a lot of sexual activity and air starts to mix with the vaginal discharge and thus making it foamy. I hope this answered your question.
during pregnancy is it normal to have white pasty discharge cottage cheese looking especially during sexual intercourse
This is a discharge and if it is thick, smells, and you itch you have a yeast infection. You could also have a STD. Go to a doctor.
Yes, probably a yeast infection.
The white is just your discharge. During a yeast infection an overgrowth of yeast (which is a fungus) changes your discharge to a thick white cottage-cheese type discharge.
a foamy crest
White discharge and you don't have your period yet? I'd get that checked out with a doctor....White discharge during your period? I'd get that checked out too. Doesn't sound normal.
A white discharge usually means a vaginal infection.
I've seen on several websites that white or milky looking discharge or watery to mildly thick discharge is normal in pregnancy and usually is in abundance.
If it's immediately after it might be the excess semen you see dripping out.
I'm not sure what you mean by "problem" but typically cervical discharge during ovulation has an "egg-white" consistency.
Not actually of pregnancy but possibly of which case pregnancy has a good chance of occurring.
Yes this is perfectly normal hun. The white discharge may increase throughout your pregnancy and it is nothing to worry about unless you have itching, soreness, buring upon urination or a smelly discoloured discharge. If this happens then see your doctor.