a lantern? I'm sorry if this is wrong.
The antumbra is the region of a shadow that is partially shaded and partially illuminated by a light source, such as during a solar eclipse when the moon does not entirely cover the sun. It is the area where the light source is not completely blocked, creating a dimmer shadow than the umbra.
Luminous flux is the total amount of light emitted by a source in all directions, while lumens measure the amount of light that is actually perceived by the human eye. The higher the luminous flux or lumens, the brighter the light source will appear to us.
Callisto, one of Jupiter's moons, is about 481 million miles away from the sun. In terms of light-years, it is roughly 0.000005 light-years from the sun.
In physical terms - to the ends of the Universe. In practical terms - to the edge, where something more massive has a greater influence. In "our" terms, about 2 light years from the Sun (But all depends in which direction you are looking (thinking).
I will not be able to reach the sun in terms of light years as it is within our own solar system. However, light from the sun takes about 8 minutes to reach Earth so you could say it would take about 8 minutes in terms of light years to "reach" the sun.
when objects get lighted from other source of light it is known as illumination
A light source is an object that emits light, such as a light bulb or the sun. An illuminant is a specific type of light source that is used in the measurement and analysis of light, such as a standard light source that is calibrated for scientific purposes.
Phototropism refers to a plant's response to light, where the plant grows toward or away from a light source.
In terms of physics, No (because light "interferes" with light from another "source" , creating interference patterns). However "lighting bugs" DO use light to attract a mate!
Luminous objects are sources that emit light, while illuminated objects are those that reflect or scatter light from a different source.
A polar curve in terms of illumination refers to the pattern created by a light source when it emits light in all directions. It shows how the intensity of light varies at different angles and distances from the source, giving insights into the light distribution. This geometric representation is valuable for designing lighting systems to achieve desired lighting levels and effects in a space.
A lumen measures the total amount of visible light emitted by a source in all directions. On the other hand, a candela measures the intensity of light emitted in a specific direction. In simpler terms, a lumen tells you how bright a light source is overall, while a candela tells you how bright the light appears in a particular direction.
In Australia, the word Christmas is simply known as Christmas. There are no other terms for this celebration of Christ's birth.
Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are considered the most efficient light source in terms of lumens per watt. They can produce significantly more lumens per watt compared to traditional incandescent or fluorescent bulbs, making them an energy-efficient lighting option for various applications.
Lumen measures the total amount of visible light emitted by a source, while lux measures the intensity of light at a specific point. Lux is calculated by dividing the total lumens by the area over which the light is spread. In simpler terms, lumen is the total light output, while lux is the brightness at a specific spot.
A blood-clotting protein