A valid credit card number is a card that is recognized as real and usable. An invalid card is either expired or falsified.
In order to know whether or not the credit card number is valid, one should check out from the bank of the credit card, or using the card at an ATM machine.
The number of digits in a valid credit card can change depending upon the type of card. Mastercard and VISA use a 16 digit system, while others including American Express use a 15 digit system.
Most credit cards I know of have a 16-digit number. It will often be divided into groups of 4 on the card, but this is mostly for readability. I hope this question isn't an attempt to get someone to provide you with a valid credit card number.
It's the 16-digit number (four groups of 4 digits) on the front of the card. If you were expecting us to tell you a valid one you could fraudulently use to steal goods and services, you're either really stupid or think we are.
A valid credit card number is a card that is recognized as real and usable. An invalid card is either expired or falsified.
whats betty denleys visa card number
"What if the credit card number isn't valid?"
In order to know whether or not the credit card number is valid, one should check out from the bank of the credit card, or using the card at an ATM machine.
it is a code so you can get stardollars
4000 1234 5678
You can get a credit card. Or do it via mobile phone or iPod. That way u dont need a credit card.
The number of digits in a valid credit card can change depending upon the type of card. Mastercard and VISA use a 16 digit system, while others including American Express use a 15 digit system.
I just tried charging a credit card that starts with 4388 and was told it's not a valid credit card number.....