It all depends on the current condition. Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent condition?
The Crosman 357 is modeled after the COLT PYTHON. If the Python fits the holster, then the Crosman 357 may also fit. Your just going to have to try it.
It's a model of a COLT 357. Just like the Crosman 1077 is a copy of a Ruger 1022. Several of Crosman's air guns are modeled after real firearms.
Contact Crosman service department the same clip is used in the current model 3657 pistol. See the link Below.
Go to the attached Crosman web page and locate your 357 parts manual. It is about 1/2 way down the list. ( See the link below)
The Crosman 357 came in 3 different barrel lengths. 4", 6", and 8". Crosman is still making a slightly updated 357. Yours is most likely a 4 or 6 inch 357. Assuming that it is still in good working condition and has seen normal wear, it's value is around $35.
This is an interesting question, because I've rebuilt several Crosman 357 and a few 38's. The 38 came out long before the Crosman 357's. When Crosman developed the 357 for sale they stopped production on the 38's and dropped all the parts for it, EXCEPT the C02 parts. Three of the C02 parts are common between the two pistols. All 357 parts began with the number #357 and all 38 parts began with the number #38. If you look at the parts diagram for the 357 you will see three parts starting with #38. These three parts are interchangeable and can still be ordered from Crosman. (see the links below) Crosman supplies parts for all their current airguns. Now if you don't want to go that route then Crosman offers a free service to locate shops that repair older Crosman air guns. See the links below.
The Easy Way: Crosman Offers a service to locate repair shops that repair older Crosman Airguns. See the link below. My Way: I own several Crosman 38T and older 357's I've rebuilt several. Seal Parts from the 38t were used in the design of the 357. Open the link below and then download the Parts manual for the 38t and older 357 and compare the seal part numbers from each pistol and you will find several are the same. They even began with the number "38". Crosman no longer supplies parts for the 38t or 38c but they do have parts for the 357 (Same parts used on both) So you and call customer service and order some of the 38 parts listed on the 357. I was able to rebuild two 38t's this way
Yes it's sold in Sporting good stores. It' the Crosman 357W. It sells for around $40-$50.
The C-11 is a BB gun. The other two are pellet pistols. Of the three I prefer the 357 it is more accurate than the other two pistols.
see the link below for the owners manual
75-200 USD
See the link below. Parts are still available from Crosman. I've rebuilt 5 of them with new seals.