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Chattle slavery makes the slave the property of the slave owner.

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Q: What is a type of slavery where the slave is the sole property of the master with no rights?
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Is slavery an example of barter?

NO. If a person were to theoretically self-enslave, e.g. they freely renounced all rights to self-control to work for a master in order to have the master provide him with accommodations and food, this would be a barter. However, this is not what happens in slavery. Slavery is the buying and selling of humans, so the transactors are the master-to-be and the slaver/slave market salesperson. The slave is the object of the transaction, not a party in the transaction. This is a typical currency transaction where the master-to-be pays the slaver for possession of the chattel property (the slave) and currency transactions are the opposite of barter.

What punishments was given for defiance in slavery?

It was customary to beat defiant slaves, but remember that if the slave is the property of the master, then the master is free to inflict any punishment that he chooses.

What is a form of slavery in which the slave is considered property and the children of slave women become slaves?

Chattel Slavery

What is chattel slavery?

A form of slavery that makes slaves of the children of slave women

Do the slave have rights?

No. they were considered property.

What 3 rights did the slaves have in ancient Egypt?

None as the modern concepts of human rights and civil rights did not exist. A slave's master owned the slave like any other property and could do anything he/she chose to the slave at any time even without a reason, including kill the slave as he/she would cattle.

How did most slave master's view slavery?

necessary evil

What were the negative side of slave trade?

There is no positive side to slavery. A person is considered property when they are a slave and treated like property.

Did the slaves in the colony of Virginia have and rights?

A slave- in ANY state- was considered property. Property does not have rights.

What was the penalty for raping a slave?

There was no penalty for raping a slave. The slave was the owner's property. She had no rights.

How are slavery and indentured servitude alike?

Slavery and indentured servitude both require the person serving to be complete slave to their master. The only difference is, an indentured servant choses to be a slave to pay off a debt, and when their dept is fully paid they no longer have to be a slave. But a slave is forced to be a slave, and their master owns them.

Which type of slavery where a slave is treated as a piece of property?

chattel~ apex