Absentee ballot; or, in some states, a mail-in ballot (that can be used by anyone).
A proxy ballot is used.
Depending on the type of election and the polling place, Texas offers voters a paper ballot that will be counted by hand or a paper ballot that will be scanned with an optical vote scanner.
an office block ballot
Answer this question… The Australian ballot
A person with type AB blood. People with type O cannot receive from anyone except O.
A yes or no ballot is known as a "referendum" where voters express their approval or disapproval on a specific issue or proposal. This type of ballot is used to gauge public opinion on a particular matter before making a decision.
All petitions are important because they address a perceived problem. Here in California a person can write a petition, get the right number of signatures, and get it on the ballot.
Every type of person.
The party-column ballot encourages straight-ticket voting within one party. Each candidate is grouped on the ballet by party as well as by office.