One website that allows people to list used firearms for sale has three Tobin 12 gauge shotguns listed, as of October 2014. They are priced from $399 to $600.
12 gauge Springfield Arms 1916
Depending on the condition. On average, about 100.00.
150.00 in excellent condition
The value of an Empire State Arms 12 gauge shotgun depends on its condition. As of September 20141 this gun sells at auction for around 30 dollars.
i have the sme gun what is it worth?
Seldom exceeds 100 USD or so
The value of the Thompson Center Arms New Englander 12 gauge varies depending on the condition of the gun. On average, this gun retails in excellent condition for about 300 dollars.
What is my 12 gauge dated oct 20 1915 from riverside arms in Chicopee mass. Worth. Number 48780.
I saw one for sale for $65 today
In the 100-1000 USD or more range depending on specifics.