when the group that wins an election appoints its own unqualified people to the best jobs
The spoils system is the practice of giving public office to the supporters and friends of successful political parties. It can be viewed as a system of patronage.
The civil service system is an employment system.
A civil service system is defined by " those branches of public service concerned with all governmental administrative functions outside the armed services. The body of persons employed in these branches. a system or method of appointing government employees on the basis of competitive examinations, rather than by political patronage."
The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act established the merit based system of appointments which led to the decline of the spoils/patronage system. Instead of political affiliation government employees were selected by competitive exams and could not be fired based on political affiliation.
economic improvement :) apex
Political Patronage
patronage system
This system allowed Mozart to practice his music. With a patronage, he had all the life necessities he needed and was able to concentrate on music and not other work.
Spoils System?
many unqualified & corrupt workers were hiierd!
Rutherford B. Hayes