Without a DETAILED description of ALL markings, condition, engraqving (if any), barrel length, front site material, wood, box, papers, type of action, etc., it could range from 100 to multiple thousands of USD.
50-600 usd
How much is a Browning Sweet 16 gold trigger shotgun worth?
No such thing as a 22 Shotgun.
50-500 usd
i have a belgium 70 g 38965 what is it worth
There should be a number in front of the S. without it I cannot date it.
with these fine made Belgium shotguns,condition is everything in the value of your Browning Sweet Sixteen shotgun which was made in Belgium in the year 1957.They can be worth between 300-1,200 dollars if the original condition is quite prevalent and the bore is in excellent condition.
50-500 uSD
Please add the model of Browning shotgun you have to this info,to get the answer you seek.
50-500 usd
What model of browning shotgun are we talking about? I would need to know this in order to help you answer this question.
You can get a historical letter from Browning that will date it if they have the records. Check internet gun auction sites for prices of ones similar to yours.