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a helot

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

A Spartan slave was called a helot. Helots were state-owned serfs required to work the land for their Spartan masters.

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What is a spartan slave?

a helot

Did spartan's make ther helmets?

The armour, weapons, tools, and everything else used by the Spartan army was made by a slave class called helots.

What starts with an H and is a spartan slave?


Is a helot a warrior?

No, a helot is a greek and spartan slave

Is a helot a slave?

Yes, in ancient Greece, a helot was a type of enslaved person who served the Spartan citizens. Helots were required to work the land and provide a portion of their crops to the Spartan rulers.

Spartan slaves or serfs?

The Helots were serfs - bound to their land, providing a percentage of produce to the Spartan state - different from slaves who were owned outright and had no rights.

What was a true spartan citizen called?

A true spartan was called a master chief

What are Spartan merchants and artisans are called?

Spartan Merhants and artisans are called perioceci

What were spartan houses called?

they were not called anything and if you looking for Spartan houses info there is nothing on the internet.

Why were spartan so afraid of a slave revolt?

Sparta's population was mostly slaves, and their economy depended on slave labor. A slave revolt would certainly be economically devastating, and there was a distinct chance that the slaves would win and overthrow the Spartan government, so obviously this was always something Sparta was worried about.

Is spartan a game?

depending what spartan your talking about, but SEGA did make a game called Spartan: Total Warrior, or something like that.

When will Spartan NCS-12 coming out in Malaysia?

Well, it already did come out, but it wasn't called the Spartan. It was called the Stampede ECS.