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a "slightly damp cloth" is a cloth that u SQUEEZE and when u put it in your hand, u can barely feel the wetness.

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Q: What is a slightly damp cloth?
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What is a damp cloth?

A damp cloth is a cloth that has been slightly wetted with water, but not excessively soaked. It is often used for cleaning surfaces or wiping down objects as it can help remove dirt, dust, or spills without leaving excess moisture behind.

How do you wipe your droid acclaim clean?

Just use a soft, slightly damp cloth.

Can you clean the pins on a flash drive?

Yes. Sometimes just a dry cloth works. Slightly damp also works but be careful to make it only slightly and no more than.

How do you clean the outside of a laptop?

damp cloth should do. not too wet though, just slightly damp. any sticky stuff on it? just use a little surface cleaner like dettol.

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Magnetic boots can be wiped down with a slightly damp cloth. If they are very dirty you may have to scrub them a bit.

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lightly vacuum and then pass slightly damp cloth towel with a little bit of pinesol.

What is damp hair?

"Damp" is a word meaning, "slightly wet". So, damp hair is hair that is slightly wet.

What do you use to clean laptops?

A slightly damp cloth, dampened with water will be fine. Do not spray any chemicals, or even water directly on the notebook or the screen.

How do you use damp in a sentence for a first grader?

I had a damp cloth. The weather was rather damp today.

How do you manage your subordinate?

with a damp cloth

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with a damp cloth

How do you clean a bow and arrows?

Wiping them down with a damp cloth is about all you have to do.