Shotguns fire shells with many small pellets- or shot. The shot string is a 3 dimensional view of the shot in flight. When bird hunting with a shotgun, your goal is to have the shot string intersect the bird in flight.
sling shot
Only Tackle, String Shot and Bug Bite.
silver wing gust string shot Silver Wind, Morning Sun, Attract, Mega Drain, String Shot, Beautifly can also be taught flying type moves like aerial Ace, and wing Attack
The longest distance silly string has been shot is 20 feet. However, it is advertised that each can of silly string contains 430 feet of string, and one can was even measured to have 1,600 feet of string. Good luck breaking the record!
IT is fishing but with a bow and arrow see you tie the arrow with some string to your bow and shot the fish the the arrow.
lvl 1:tackle, string shot lvl 15:bug bite
it's actually very simple and easy to use a bow and arrow all you have to do is put the end of the arrow on the string (the arrow will have a little slit where you can put the string in) you aim at your target and pull the string straight back and you will get a perfect shot :)
Caterpie will learn Tackle and String Shot in Pokémon Gold.
I just got a High Velocity sling shot yesterday. you buy steel or glass ammo there is a bullet pouch put the ammo there pull the string back and let go.
Firing pin strikes primer, primer ignites powder, powder burns and turns into gas, gas propels the shot cup down the barrel, shot cup exits barrel and falls away from shot column at @ 7m, shot column begins to string out and form circular pattern.
Just as you have started it. good examples: 'string' "string" `string` »string« bad examples: 'string" "string` »string'
The collective noun for 'string' is a ball of string.The noun 'string' is a standard collective noun for:a string of ducksa string of horsesa string of mulesa string of pearlsa string of poniesa string of racehorsesa string of violinists