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Any stick-like protrusion, but usually refers to the mast and boom.

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Q: What is a sailboat spar?
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The pole on a sailboat that holds the sail?

The vertical pole on a sailboat is called the mast, but at the bottom of the sail is horizontal pole called a boom. On the Tall Ships, the horizontal pole AT THE TOP of the sail is called the yardarm.

What rhymes with cast that means belonging to a sailboat?


What is the main function of a gudgeon?

The main function of a gudgeon is to provide a pivot or hinge point for a boom or spar on a sailboat. It allows for rotation or movement while also providing support and stability.

What is a single word for a health resort?

It is a spar. Though it is usually called a health spar, to differentiate it from a spar in the rigging on a ship, or a spar town (the spar town of Bath, England is one example).

How do you put spar in a sentence?

The boxer asked his trainer to spar. The spar broke when the sail caught the wind.

What is metaphor for sailboat?

Sailboat is your head Sailboat is your headSailboat is your head

When was Spar - retailer - created?

Spar - retailer - was created in 1932.

When was Spar Street born?

Spar Street was born in 1963.

What are some antonyms for spar?

Since the definition of spar is a pole that supports the sail of a ship or boat, the antonyms of spar are the antonyms of the synonyms of spar. Some synonyms are rod, rail, and varnish.

How do you use the word 'spar' in a sentence?

1-During the case, the judge directed lawyers not to spar with each other in court. 2-It is natural for boys to spar with their friends over girls they like. 3-The rough weather broke the sailing boat's spar and it had to be rescued by the lifeboat.

Is gypum satin spar a mineral?

Yes, gypsum satin spar is a mineral.

What part of speech is the word sailboat?

Sailboat is a noun.