Several makers produced rifles marked with Western Auto's Revelation brand. The value of your rifle will depend on which model and the condition. Please repost with the model, or leave a message on my message board, and we will try to get you a real answer.
No way to answer your question. Revelation was the name used for guns sold by Western Auto hardware stores. There were dozens of different rifles and shotguns sold by them. Without knowing WHICH gun, there is no way to answer. Sorry-Dpends on which model. Your question is similar to what is a Ford car worth.
The Revelation 16 guage bolt action sold by Western Auto made by Mossberg. Value: good to excellent condition is 90 to 125 dollars. BoTex
The Revelation 330A series were shotguns, though some had rifled barrels, and sold by Western Auto but made by Mossberg. The 330 line was sold in the late 1960's to early 70s, without a serial number I can't tell you the exact year.
Revelation was a brand sold by Western Auto stores and made by various manufacturers.
$75-$150, depending on condition. That is if your rifle is a semi-auto. It would be a Marlin 49. However, Western Auto also had a 150M, which is a Marlin 39A- Value $300-$450
The Revelation .308 was sold by Western Auto in the 1970's. It has 8 grooves and a 16" twist on the bolt action model. I am not sure who the manufacturer was; but Western Auto is still in business and perhaps they would know.
ITS AN ANTIQUE SOLD IN THE 40S BY WESTERN AUTO ITS MADE BY remington called the revelation i bought one great shape 500.00
Revelation was a brand name sold by Western Auto. Some may have been manufactured by Remington, but they will not quite be of the qualilty the company would put their own name on.
Revelation Arms was sold by Western Auto stores back in the 60's. Hope this helps - Lon Toncrey
Please check your model number and repost. That is not listed as a Revelation rifle model, but it IS the model number of a 4 power telescope sold by Western Auto.
Revelation was a "store" brand for guns made by others, but sold by Western Auto hardware stores. We need to know the model number, but most are worth $150-$175, depending on condition.