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You don't have to be well known or even that popular to be a real lady. Here are some signs of a real lady (male friend or boyfriend):

  • Having good manners
  • Be loyal to those in your life and take time out for them
  • Have a good sense of humor
  • Loyalty
  • Not using foul language (a little swearing goes a long way)
  • Being independent, but not making a man feel lesser than a man
  • Not afraid to tell him he looks handsome or compliment him in some other way
  • Taking the time to learn about his interests in life
  • Giving respect and expecting it back
  • Being the best you can be. This means if you're not necessarily a #10 then keep yourself neat
  • Dress sexy, but less isn't always best. A little cleavage leaves a mystery to a woman rather than a woman dressing so sexy she might as well not have any clothes on at all
  • Not fearful of retaining good old fashion manners even if friends call you 'up tight' the manners later in life will come in very handy
  • Not being spiteful of others or vengeful
  • Not gossiping constantly about others
  • Respecting family, friends and mate's opinions and way of life
  • Going after knowledge all through your life
  • Be interested in what others have to say
  • Be willing to help coworkers without criticism
  • Help those less fortunate. It could be a poor family, and elderly person or volunteer somewhere.

That should give you a general idea. The old saying, 'If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas' is very true. You are judged by your friends. Get to know you, be independent, know right from wrong, don't hurt people no matter what they've done to you, have the courage to walk alone and stand up for what is right even if it means standing alone with wind up your kilt.

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