There is no specific father of the quiz. The quiz has always been around as a way to test knowledge.
WikiAnswers is not a quiz site. We are a question and answer website.
studying can help you do well on a quiz or a test... if you don't study, you might not do so well on your test or quiz
WikiAnswers is not a quiz site. We are a question and answer website.
A pop quiz
Go to youtube and search for Quiz videos or a Quiz Channel such as Millionaire Quiz Game
yes,they are
go on youtube
Google diffney Christmas cracker quiz you'll see the answers on youtube
you go on YouTube and watch the pros beat it
you go on youtube and watch the pros beat it
Go to youtube and type in Carrie Underwood. Click on any song by her and a quiz will pop up. If you get most of the questions right and you get a free Carrie Underwood ringtone
Nope, just very hard look on youtube u see people beating it
Watch a video of Tori on youtube (or on tv) remember how she acts and you could possibly get her on the quiz
it is corect to say ' took a quiz'
There are many sites that offer many games,video's,and quiz's on science.Some site's can be found on (YouTube). They offer a lot of scientific information videos.
The Bournvita Quiz Contest is hosted by the quiz master, Derek O'Brien.