your pre-64 Winchester model 70 Alaskan was made in the first year of production,which was 1960.As to value it is running from 1200 dollars for one in 60% condition,on up to 2,000 dollars for one in 95% condition.
Sometime after 1981.
The question you have asked does not have any info on your Winchester model 70.Please include the serial number and what specific info you are requesting about your Winchester model70 rifle.
The winchester model 670,and magnum models were made from 1967-1973.
The model 70 Winchester Westerner serial number: G1513040 was manufactured in 1981. Check here for reference verification:
550 USD
Your winchester model 9422 magnum 22cal.rifle was made by winchester in 1978.
your winchester model 70 was made by winchester in 1972.
If you have a model 70 winchester rifle?then it was made in 1964 with the serial number you provided.
Go to and look at the Winchester sn data.
With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 9422 lever action rifle was made in the year 1980.