Usually means a handgun used for infomal target shooting (plinking)
i bought min yesterday for 145$ new, mine is black and silver..i would say used between 100- 120$...silver, black is worth slightly less.oh and the name is plink(STER) not plinker.
No sir it is a law abiding modification and is legal to own but if you purchase it over the internet i believe you may need a ffl for the part transfer. And the krinker plinker is a modification to your ruger 10/22 rifle its not a weapon itself.
What do you mean by "street" price? Improving answer: If it's just an average MK1 pistol in decent shape, it should be worth $200 as a shooter / casual target gun / plinker. If it has a really low serial number, some special factory options, or is 30+ years old and comes with the box and original receipt and owner's manual, then it's a collector's item and could be worth twice as much.
Any rifle with an 8.5 inch barrel is a class 3 weapon.
No way to answer without knowing if you are a hunter, target shooter, plinker, how much you can spend, etc..
In Excellent to MINT (LIKE NEW) $150-200. They are an older inexpensive plinker.
there is no 45 pistol, however there is a 44 pistol. the 44 pistol can be found as random loot or off the corpse of someone with a 44 pistol.
Either to kill with a pistol or hit said target with a pistol. It basically means use a pistol.
No it is a machine Pistol!
The best you can afford for your ultimate end use. You fail to mention if you are a hunter, paper puncher, plinker, etc..
Raymond Pistol's birth name is Raymond Pistol.