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Strong willed, decisive, confident

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Q: What is a nice way to say someone is stubborn?
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Just say it exactly the way you want to say it, there's no "one" way of saying thanks to someone for being nice.

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The best way to say goodbye is to give someone a smile, embrace and hug him and tell him nice things.

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It depends on who you talking to and how you say it. For example if you are saying it to someone who has very low self esteem and you say it in a rude way, it will seem mean, if you say it to a fairly laid back person and you say it in a nice way, it will be taken as a compliment.

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If you'd like to tell someone to cheer up in Spanish you would say alegrarse. This is a very nice way to brighten someone's day.

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You smell nice is the correct way to compliment the way someone smells.

What does it mean when your girlfriend says you are strong willed?

It is a nice way to say you are stubborn and don't change your mind or methods once you are set to do something. You might consider being a little less stubborn about some things. One of the main things in a relationship is compromise with your partner about various things. She is trying to tell you that you don't do this.

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Thank you for being there for me when I needed it the most. Your support means the world to me and I am grateful for your kindness and generosity.

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walk up to them, say i thought you should know, i hate you. its that easy.there is no "nice" way to hate

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"Passed gas" is the polite way to say it.

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just say: "i know you mean well but maybe you should let people make their own decisions

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