being that your model 1894 was made in 1968,the value would be in the range of 250-400 dollar range depending on condition.
The savage/stevens model 94 single shot,shotgun is worth between 40-95 dollars.
No such model number in the S&W line.
If it is a standard model 94 it is worth about $350.00.
ABOUT $400, depending on condition.
I have inherited awinchester model 94 serial #1679118 can anyone tell me the year and what it might be worth?
50-500 usd
50-500 usd
Winchester Model 94-44 Magnum 3199687M
how much is a Winchester model 94 30 30 made in 1974 worth
Anywhere from $150-$600, depending on exact model, caiber, and condition.