The collector value can only be assessed by a visual inspection & evaluation. Old Winchesters are very much like old classic automobiles... the graded condition and factory originality are the key factors in determining what they are truly worth.
Your Winchester model 42 was made by Winchester in 1935.
Your Winchester model 42 was made by Winchester in 1934.
Your Winchester model 42 was produced by Winchester in 1954.
Your winchester model 42 shotgun was made by winchester in 1947.
Your winchester model 42 was made by winchester in 1934.that makes your winchester 77years old.
your Winchester model 42 was made in 1959.
Your winchester model 42 was made by winchester in 1959.
Any Winchester model 42 shotgun has respectable collector value.your Winchester model 42 shotgun that was made in the year 1953 is no exception.With 60% of its original finish remaining,your shotgun would be worth in the neighborhood of 1,200 dollars.
The Winchester model 42 was made from 1933-1965.Winchester made a total of 160,013,during this time span.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 42 was made in the first year of production,which was the year 1933.Winchester made 9398 model 42,s that first year of production.
Your winchester model 42 shotgun was made by winchester in 1954 with the serial number that you provided.
your Winchester model 42 shotgun was made in 1952.