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In order to get an estimate of value you need to give a description of the pistols condition. Is it still working. Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent condition.

Without more information it is not possible to answer you.

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Q: What is a model 250 Benjamin air pistol worth?
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What is the value of a Benjamin Franklin 250 air pistol in fair condition?

it would be worth between $45 and $65.

What is a Rossi nickel plated 22 caliber pistol made in Brazil worth?

Depends on model and condition. Anywhere from $100-$250

What size pellets are used for a Benjamin air pistol model 250?

The Benjamin 250 is one of three pistols that make up the 250 line of air guns. Here is how they break down: 250 is a .175 BB pistol 252 is a .22 caliber pellet pistol 257 is a .177 caliber pistol. The problem is finding .175 BB's today most all BB are .177 caliber. I've heard that BB are still .175 only the caliber of the barrel has moved up to .177 to accommodate pellets. I suggest you just try one.

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about 250 dollars

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15-250 USD depending on specifics

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Depending on condition, $250-$300.

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$150-$250, depending on condition.

What is a Hy-Score model 805 pellet rifle made in Germany with no serial number worth?

Without more information about the condition of the pistol it is not possible to answer you. BUT I can tell you this. In poor condition it is worth $50 in "NEW IN BOX" condition it is worth $250. "Model 805 Sportster Single Shot"

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50-250 usd

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$100-$250, depending on condition

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25-250 USD or so